
Spray Foam Insulation: Myths vs. Facts

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February 9, 2024

Spray foam insulation has become increasingly popular for its energy-saving qualities, but with its rise in use come misconceptions that can deter homeowners from choosing this effective insulation method. Let's separate fact from fiction and clear the air about spray foam insulation.

Myth: Spray Foam Insulation is Unsafe

Fact: When installed correctly by professionals, spray foam insulation is very safe. It undergoes a chemical reaction during application that causes it to expand and harden, and once cured, it does not emit harmful gases. The installation process requires proper ventilation and protective gear, which professional installers are trained to use, ensuring safety during and after application.

Myth: Spray Foam Insulation Can Trap Moisture

Fact: One of the benefits of spray foam insulation is its ability to create an airtight seal, which can actually help prevent moisture buildup. Unlike traditional insulation, which can absorb water, closed-cell spray foam repels water, reducing the risk of mold and mildew. Proper installation includes assessing the building envelope to ensure that moisture management is effectively addressed.

Myth: Spray Foam Insulation is Too Expensive

Fact: While the initial cost of spray foam insulation may be higher than other types, the long-term savings on energy bills can be significant. Because of its high R-value and air-sealing properties, spray foam can make a home more energy-efficient, potentially paying for itself through reduced heating and cooling costs over time.

Myth: Installation of Spray Foam Insulation is Disruptive and Time-Consuming

Fact: The installation process for spray foam insulation is relatively quick and efficient, especially when handled by experienced professionals. It can often be applied in a single day, depending on the project's size. Plus, its expansive nature allows it to fill nooks and crannies that might be time-consuming to insulate with other materials.

Myth: Spray Foam Insulation is Bad for the Environment

Fact: Today's spray foam products have evolved to be more eco-friendly than ever before. Many formulations use blowing agents with low global warming potential (GWP) and contain renewable materials. Moreover, the energy savings spray foam insulation provides contribute to a home's overall environmental footprint reduction.

Myth: You Can DIY Spray Foam Insulation

Fact: Spray foam insulation is not a recommended DIY project. The application requires specialized equipment and knowledge of building science to ensure it's done safely and effectively. Incorrect installation can lead to problems such as insufficient insulation, improper ventilation, and even structural damage.


Spray foam insulation is a reliable, safe, and cost-effective way to improve a home's energy efficiency and comfort. Don't let common myths deter you from considering this modern insulation solution. With factual knowledge and the assistance of professional installers, homeowners can enjoy the many benefits that spray foam insulation has to offer.

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